Paddle n Ski Hadspen Race 8 November 2022

After a few false starts we got the first race of the season underway with a nice water level and some great weather, the river was looking fast with a good current flowing making the paddle upstream tough but making for a rewarding downstream paddle. Some good times were set to setup some tight handicap racing for the remainder of the season.

Paddler Time New Handicap
Amanda Chong 35:21* 24:50
James Caspar 36:01 24:10
Phil Wadley 36:14 23:57
Jock Gunn 37:48 22:23
Claye Mace 41:36 18:36
Peter Girling 42:49 17:24
John MacCausland 44:15 15:58
Bill Williams 62:53 Go


Guntime for next week will be at 6:30 pm, (for those new to handicap racing your start time is you handicap after 6:30 pm, ie 13:50 handicap starts at 6:43:50) to be safe be ready to race at 6:40 pm. If you miss your start time you can still race, have your time recorded and score points. New paddlers will be able to set their handicap time. If you are starting more than 20 minutes after your handicap you may be asked to race a shorter course to ensure on water safety.

Please register for the race here: Paddle Australia If our event doesn’t come up, please search by location for Hadspen to find our event.

Check the main Hadspen page for more details.

See you Tuesday night.

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