Meeting Minutes October 2009

Executive Meeting Minutes

Tuesday 6 October 2009

P.O. Box 266 Launceston 7250

1.         Open Executive Meeting:

The Executive Meeting was opened at 7:30 pm.


2.         Attendance:

John McCausland (Commodore), Claye Mace, Pete Sebbage, Gavin Bye, Jonathan Knox


3.         Apologies:



4.         Minutes of last meeting:

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed as being a true and accurate record of that meeting.

Moved:              John McCausland

Seconded:        Claye Mace


5.         Business arising from previous minutes:


  • Australian Canoeing Website Training was held during September. The following members attended and have access to change the site: John McCausland, Dave Chiam, Paul Kelly, Paul Shipp, Gavin Bye, Claye Mace, and Pete Sebbage.


Ability to use PayPal for subs and Ben Lomond Descent entries to be pursued at a later date when Australian Canoeing has resources, possibly around December.


Thanks to Andrea McQuitty for providing the training.


  • Roll Training Sessions were held and were very successful. Thanks to John McCausland for organising and running theses.


  • Meeting Venue: Carried forward


6.         Correspondence In:



7.         Correspondence Out:



8.         Treasurer’s Report:

The Treasurer’s Report was received and expenses as outlined were adopted by the committee (see attached report).


Moved:              Pete Sebbage

Seconded:        John McCausland


9.         Bosun/Hire Report:

No report as there have not been any hire activity


10.      Canoe Polo Report:

Meeting was held on Tuesday 29 September, attended by Claye Mace, Dave Chiam, Adrian Cooper and Paul Kelly (Coach).


The Club will hire the pool on the basis that they receive what we receive.  Agreed to charge $10 per person per night.


Club gear was supplied to those who didn’t have their own.  Goals are still being organised.


A roster will start in or around March 2010 and the time will be 7-8pm on Wednesday night for 10 weeks.  If successful, another autumn roster will follow.


Canoe polo will be run on a pilot basis to gauge support before the Club makes any significant financial commitments.  The polo committee will commence work on a grant application.


11.      General Business:

  • A submission was received from Claye Mace for reimbursement of training expenses for Senior First Aid, Whitewater Level 2 Instructor and Advanced Sea Instructor courses. Approval for payment of $365 was given.  Claye to utilise his skills in upcoming Club activities.


Moved:            John McCausland

Seconded:     Pete Sebbage

Voted:              All in favour


  • The Club agreed to lend the club trailer to Canoe Tasmania for use during the upcoming World Championships.


  • Jonathan Knox raised the possibility of purchasing new Nomads. A proposal is to be worked on outside the meeting and brought to the next meeting for consideration.  Proposal also to consider rationalisation of the current fleet.


  • Pete Sebbage raised the possibility of purchasing EPIRBs and safety equipment. A proposal is to be worked on outside the meeting and brought to the next meeting for consideration.


12.      Close Executive Meeting

The Executive Meeting was closed at 8:25 pm.

13.      Open General Meeting:

The General Meeting was opened at 8:30 pm.


14.      Summary of Club Executive Meeting:

John McCausland gave a summary of the Executive Meeting.


15.      General Business:

  • The proposition for new Nomads was fleshed out further. Phil Barrett to approach schools regarding their hiring needs.  Members supported the idea.  Jonathan Knox, John McCausland and Gavin Bye will prepare a submission for the next Executive meeting.


  • The proposition for purchase of EPIRBs and safety equipment was discussed. Members supported the idea.  Pete Sebbage will prepare a submission for the next Executive meeting.


  • It was proposed that the Club would buy a beverage at the meeting for any member who prepared a written trip report suitable for posting on the Club website. Members supported the idea.  Gavin Bye to prepare a proposal for the next Executive meeting.


16.      Close Club General Meeting:

The Club General Meeting was closed at 9:00 pm.


17.      Time and Location of Next Executive and General Meeting:

1st Tuesday in December, 7:30 pm (Executive), 8:00 pm (General).  Cock & Bull British Pub, Wellington Street, Launceston


Next social meeting – first Tuesday in November, 8:00 pm.


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